Apartment Development, Sandymount, Dublin 4

Project Details:

Client: Bisvale Limited

Status: On-going

Value: €7.0m

Project Description:

This building completes a group of 4 apartment buildings known as Shrewsbury Square on Sandymount Avenue.

The final building in the quartet has been designed to complement the 3 existing buildings, using similar materials and details to lend consistency throughout the scheme. At the same time the building is located in a sensitive area of the site, alongside a period redbrick terrace dating from the mid nineteenth century and designated an Architectural Conservation Area. The size and massing of the building reacts to this sensitivity; a section of the building height is reduced to match the eaves level of the period terrace and a part of the second floor is set back to create an external terrace for the apartment at this level.

11 units are provided in total over 6 levels and include a mix of 2, 3 and 4 bedroom apartments. Three 3,000sqft duplex units occupy the ground and basement levels, with a large 3,500sqft penthouse enjoying expansive views over Dublin.


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